Sunday, September 6, 2009

Benny Bum!

So, this little boy is turning ONE! I can't believe it! A year ago, we were all waiting to hear about his birth. The time flies...
The pictures are backwards. They are supposed to start with him standing up...

and then it would be this one ^^^ where he is walking...

and then it would end with him walking away instead of him getting up...
I'm not very good at this.
Anyone have advice? How do I upload a bunch of pics? It always cancels on me... How do I move pics that I have uploaded?
Thanks for any advice...I need a blog expert!
Oy Vey!


Jenn said...

What a cutie!

You can drag and drop pics you've uploaded to other places. But my trick is to add the picture I want at the bottom FIRST (or in the top "slot", if I'm adding several at a time), and then go in reverse order, so I don't have to move them around much.

Papa Randy said...

It was so cool to see you and your honey the other night. What a fantastic coincidence. You have such a great personality and I just love your smile. You have an awesome husband and beautiful daughter and son. It sure seems like you are happy you sure deserve it. Love the pics of you teaching. I volunteer in Jenns class on Tuesday mornings and I really love it. Their ability to learn is amazing to watch. They always want to give me a hug. They are so loving. I am so glad we have 3 daughters that teach. I wish you the best. I will drop by your blog once in a while to see how you’re doing. If you are ever down town drop by the office and say hi. Love to sit and chat. You are a good blogger. What is bad is not updating a couple times a month